—Nathan Harris, author of The Sweetness of Water
Outermark is a haunting and bittersweet story about the power of the places that shape us from Jason Brown, winner of the Maine Book Award, “a pure and accomplished talent” (New York Times).
The tiny, fictional island of Outermark sits thirty miles off the coast in the waters between Maine and Nova Scotia. When Corson Wills, one of the last people to have lived on the island, is asked to recount its history, he begins by describing it as "a rock in the ocean where no one lives anymore.” Corson’s tale, and those of his ancestors who also lived there, ferry the reader between the 1980s, when lobster fishing is the only remaining industry, and the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, days of great sailing ships to the East Indies but also of conflicts between the earliest Native residents and newly arrived colonial settlers.
During Corson’s boyhood, life on the island becomes increasingly tenuous as the lobster stocks decline and debt and hard feelings abound. Some of the islanders have started to run drugs, and many others have abandoned their homes to move to the mainland. Tensions between neighbors reach a tipping point the night of a catastrophic house fire. Residents of Outermark suffer the loss of livelihood and community that many in small towns have experienced in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. As the stories in Outermark reveal, as impossible as life was on the island, life off of it never feels quite right for those who had no choice but to leave it behind.
Jason Brown is the author of three books of short stories: Driving the Heart and Other Stories (Norton/Random House), Why the Devil Chose New England For His Work (Open City/Grove Atlantic), and A Faithful But Melancholy Account of Several Barbarities Lately Committed (Missouri Review Books), winner of the Maine book award. His stories and essays have appeared in Best American Short Stories, The New Yorker, Best American Essays, The Atlantic, Harper’s, The Pushcart Prize Anthology, among others. Brown grew up in Maine, earned his BA from Bowdoin College, his MFA from Cornell University, and was a Stegner Fellow and Truman Capote Fellow at Stanford University. He has lived on several Maine islands and in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. After teaching for many years at the University of Arizona, he now teaches in the MFA program at the University of Oregon, and lives in Eugene, OR and in MidCoast Maine .