There are many reasons to attend college. There are better jobs for people with college educations, and most importantly—more money. These days, it takes a good salary to pay back those student loans. Armed with your degree and a good job, you can meet Mr. or Mrs. Right and have a fairy-tale life, white—picket-fence included. When you’re looking for the right college, there are many things to consider, but most importantly it is academics. From high school; your SAT scores, grade-point average and graduation percentile (where you placed in your graduation class) will determine your acceptance to a school. A lot of schools specialize in a particular field, making them a top choice for people with good academic credentials. For example, I attended a former teacher’s college (I had an interest) that made other subjects available in the 1950’s. I attended for English. I wanted to write. I also wanted to explore teaching high school English, but after sampling a preparatory class, this was not an option for me personally. It wasn’t only an education and a liberal arts field that was offered, they had a good computer and engineering program. Anyway, the quality of the school in a particular field should be a strong consideration when selecting where you’ll attend.