Aided by her best and only friend, Kit, she arrives in the Kingdom of Selene. The Season of the Three Moons is near and Xanthe must be initiated as the Moon Princess. Her destiny has been written in the prophecy for many moons and she must free the Moon People from the evil grasps of the dryad, Toovah, who wants her dead.
She is gifted The Book of Words and two Guardians; Horus and Malik. But the pages are blank and only Xanthe can decide on the steps she must take. Will Xanthe be able to complete the challenges set for her? Does she want to? And will she finally meet the mother she dreams of?
Will Xanthe be able to complete the challenges set for her?
Does she want to?
And will she finally meet the mother she dreams of?
This is the first in the series The Luna Legends and Xanthe will have twelve more challenges and stories to tell as she not only fulfills her legacy but learns about her witchy heritage.
JoAnna Lamb is finally following her heart and dedicating herself to a lifetime of writing. JoAnna likes to create worlds that she can escape in and characters through whom she can live their adventures.
She is an obsessive dream catcher and story weaver and is inspired by her growing brood of grandchildren.
JoAnna has lived in rural Central Italy since 2007 with myriad animals including one rescue (donkey-sized) sheepdog, two springer spaniels, seven semi feral (now domestic) kitties, four chickens, and endures occasional visits from the wild boar who reside at the bottom of her garden.
JoAnna is fascinated by the origins of paganism, all things witchy and has unknowingly cast the odd spell or two. She is supported by her loving husband, Simon who has always encouraged her creativity and is her Number One fan.