Too Perfect

· Julie Ortolon
4 izibuyekezo

Mayelana nale ebook

A Wandering Duckling, A Two-Faced Beast -- A Perfect Fairy Tale?

Maddy, Christine and Amy are thrilled that their old college suite-mate has written a bestselling book, How to Have the Perfect Life--until they realize she used them as examples of how women let fear screw up their lives. The worst part's sort of true. Together they make a pact: they each have one year to face down their fears--and maybe show Miss Perfect a thing or two!

Book Three: Too Perfect

Defying the terrible sense of direction that's scared her away from traveling, Amy sets sail as a nanny on a Caribbean cruise?and promptly gets lost when they stop at the island of St. Barts. Now she's stranded without money, luggage?or even a toothbrush.

Locals say that Gaspar, owner of the island's crumbling fortress, is a hideously ugly recluse. They call him La Bete, "The Beast." But when Amy applies for a job at the fort, she meets only his charming assistant, Beaufort. In reality, the two are one and the same?billionaire Byron Parks, who's desperately seeking privacy and peace. A

Amy aches for the miserable man secluded in the fortress tower. Through email exchanges, they share imaginative romantic fantasies. Byron is hopelessly smitten with his sexy storyteller--but will revealing his true identity ruin their happy ending?

"Entertaining and touching."--Booklist

"Ms. Ortolon is a gem of a new author."--Romantic Times 

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4 izibuyekezo

Mayelana nomlobi

 USA Today bestselling author, Julie Ortolon, has earned raves from Publishers Weekly and Booklist for her sparkling contemporary romances filled with passion and heart. Her novels regularly appear at the top of the ebook bestseller lists.  Her popular Pearl Island series and Perfect trilogy have won numerous awards including a Booksellers Best and a Readers Choice from Affaire de Coeur magazine. 

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