Some of the mixture spills on his purple chewed gum. The gum grows and James cant stop it. Much adventure follows. He watches his family and neighborhood become frantic.
Newspaper and television reporters disrupt their lives. James friends add to the humorous action in their pursuit of fame. James does not want to be famous. Hes upset because hes not sure what he did.
When the growing gum becomes local news, James is kidnapped. His dog, Chip, and his sister, Ann, become heroes. James worries hes started something dangerous that is unstoppable. He gains a new understanding and appreciation for responsibility and knowledge.
Katherine Whitehead is a retired public school elementary music teacher. She and her husband live near Orlando, Florida. She has a daughter and granddaughter who are nearby. Her son and grandson live in the Northeast. Katherine enjoys writing, reading, singing, playing hand bells, traveling, and bird watching.