English for Business

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Buku ini diharapkan mampu menjadi guidelines bagi para pembaca dalam pemakaian dasar bahasa Inggris pada lingkup bisnis karena buku ini menyajikan pembahasan yang sederhana dan mudah mengerti. Buku ini kami rancang sesuai dengan kasus-kasus yang umumnya terjadi dalam pemakaian di dunia bisnis.

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Kaukabilla Alya Parangu is currently in the final year of her doctoral study program at Surabaya State University. In addition to her employment at IAIN Ponorogo, AKAFARMA Ponorogo, and Indonesia Open University, she also served as an English tutor. She is presently engaged in the examination of Metacognitive methods within the context of English language instruction as a focal point of interest for their culminating project. In addition to ther, she also expresses a keen interest in conducting research pertaining to the intersection of English language instruction, technological advancements, and the discipline of linguistics.

Faiqotur Rizkiyah holds a permanent position as a lecturer at IAI Darussalam Banyuwangi, located in the province of East Java. Her primary focus lies within the realm of integrating technology into English language instruction. One of the most recent studies focuses on the analysis of classroom verbal interaction through the utilization of Fiacs (Flanders Interaction Analysis Categories System). In addition to ther, he regularly engages in English language seminars held at different educational institutions.

Wahyu Indah Mala Rohmana is presently enrolled as a Ph.D. candidate at the State University of Malang. Additionally, she has the position of civil servant instructor at the State Islamic University in Malang. Due to her significant experience, the individual in question has engaged in substantial global travel within the realm of English language instruction. Ther has encompassed teaching PPG courses for English educators, conducting seminars, and publishing a range of journals pertaining to the field of English language pedagogy. The primary focus of her study lies in the pedagogy of English language instruction within the realm of technology.

Fibri Muji Precisely is an educator employed as a PPPK teacher in the Religious Affairs Department. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from State University of Surabaya (UNESA) in Surabaya and afterward pursued a master’s degree at Sebelas Maret University (UNS) in Surakarta. She actively engages in teaching development as she was chosen as Fasilitator Daerah (FasDa) in 2021-2024 for the program called Program Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan (PKB) held by Madrasah Reform. In addition to this, she is currently enganged in the active pursuit of enhancing her utility.

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