The Health Services Executive (HSETM): Tools for Leading Long-Term Care and Senior Living Organizations serves as a contemporary and comprehensive resource that addresses each of the core professional domains of practice and leadership essentials for long-term care administration students and professionals. With sections dedicated to postacute care settings, operations, leadership and management, this textbook covers information pertinent to the spectrum of senior living service lines – from inpatient rehab facilities, long-term acute care hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living, and residential care communities to home- and community-based services. It is a practical reference for both undergraduate and graduate students preparing to enter the field of long-term care administration and leadership, as well as for professionals transitioning to another line of postacute service.
The textbook begins with a thorough history of the field, including the development of senior services in the United States. Section I then describes the components of customer care, supports, and services before transitioning into Section II, which addresses operations, including the core practice domains of effectively managing human resources, finances, and the environment. Section III offers a framework for leadership, covering strategic thinking and innovation, marketing and public relations, critical thinking and operation practice, customer service, and personal development. Case problems, discussion questions, leadership roles, high-impact practices, key points, and National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB) domain competencies conclude each chapter. Written by two highly experienced long-term care administrators, this textbook is intended for those preparing for the examinations administered by the NAB for the HSETM qualification or licensure for individual lines of service, such as for Nursing Home Administration (NHA), Residential Care and Assisted Living (RC/AL) and Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS).
Keith R. Knapp, PhD, MHA, HSE, CFACHCA, currently serves as associate professor in the Department of Health Management and Policy at the University of Kentucky's College of Public Health and as senior adviser on Adult Programs to the secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Douglas M. Olson, PhD, MBA, LNHA, FACHCA, is director of the Center for Health Administration and Aging Services Excellence (CHAASE) and professor of health administration at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (UWEC).