About a PDF file
I confessed it, and I tried the registration of the epub file many times to publish this book, but was not able to carry it out. Therefore I decided to register as pdf file. I was not able to use the hyperlink function with pdf file. A table of contents and an index and the expression of the website do not open.
About the English sentence of this book
I who was the author of this book translated a Japanese sentence into an English sentence by oneself. However, the power to control my English is very insufficient. Therefore I used translation software in the publication of this book. As a result, I think that a sentence of this book is the strange sentence that it is hard to read. The motif of this book is very important to me. I want to share it with many people. Therefore I was a strange sentence, but decided to publish this English book daringly. I feel sorry for the person who was supposed to read this book by chance. And I thank such a reader very much.
I run Web site http://ken-ty.net/index.htm,
published an electronic book.
1. "Jomon No Utuwa 1,2"
2. "Illustrated book JOMON NO UTUWA Ⅰ,2"