Double Barrel #1: Issue 1

· Top Shelf Productions
3 recenzie
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Táto e‑kniha

WELCOME ABOARD the next generation of pulp adventure! Acclaimed cartoonists Zander Cannon and Kevin Cannon have joined forces to launch a new kind of adventure comic: a digital comics magazine, serializing two massive graphic novels and packed with extras, delivered to your screen for $1.99 per month. Two Cannons. Two comics. Two dollars. DOUBLE BARREL! It all begins in this 122-page double-stuffed first issue. Zander Cannon launches HECK (the story of a washed-up high school football hero who discovers a portal to the underworld), while Kevin Cannon presents CRATER XV (following the smash success of his first graphic novel FAR ARDEN with an all-new saga of that crusty Arctic sea-dog Army Shanks). In a world of thin plotting, price-gouging, and trade-waiting, two cartoonists are here to fly the flag for two-fisted action and page-turning thrills! Grab DOUBLE BARREL today and load up on adventure!

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3 recenzie

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