"The U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI), in coordination with the Directorate of Training and Doctrine Development-Force XXI and Fort Knox, sponsored this research and development effort to design simulation based training for selected members of conventional mounted brigade staff. Initial analysis of performance requirements in existing documentation revealed that the performance specifications were not sufficiently detailed for brigade battle staffs. Therefore, a systematic performance analysis was conducted. Brigade staff actions were role played by military subject matter experts (SME). Performance requirements were analyzed for three missions (movement to contact, area defense, and deliberate attack). After each role play session, SMEs responded to questionnaires regarding their actions and were interviewed extensively by training analysts Once the information was gathered, it was refined into task statements. The outcome of this process is a list of tasks that identify both individual and interactive performance requirements. The Combined Arms Operations at Brigade Level, Realistically Achieved Through Simulation (COBRAS) Brigade Staff Tasks are intended to be used as coaching guides for training observers and as job aids for the training participants."--DTIC.