PPT Person
Come on, Anita. Get past all this touchy- feely crap and get back to being the strong,. decisive woman you started out being. Yes, it's important to feel loved and be able to show someone you love them, but there's a time and place for that. No wonder the United States can't elect a woman president - men think that they'll all need a man to explain everything to them over and over! Sorry, I really enjoyed the beginning of the series, but it's been nothing but a disappointment the last ten books or so.
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Kenn Fluck
As always I enjoy the vivid and detailed adventures of my favorite femme fatale. The detail and scope at which Hamilton writes is one of her defining characteristics. I loved the story, the detail, and the twist. However the only thing I would have enjoyed more and would have bumped up to 5 stars from me was if final showdown had been more involved drawn out a little longer.
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Victoria Darwin
I have followed this series and just like most authors her books have continued to decline. This book was the end for me... I'm done! The real story line didn't come in until your about 85% in and which its just of course her sex life and I'm tired of it. There was nothing to this book it was boring and just plain messy Anita.
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