Colton Castle and I are nothing alike. He's a gruff police officer who only seems to see the worst in people. I'm the free spirit who believes there's good in everyone.
When there’s trouble in my neighborhood, he’s everywhere I turn, looking sexy in his uniform. I start to see a different side of him. He's protective and caring. And makes my heart race.
There's a problem: he's my sister's ex, which means he's completely off limits. He seems just as determined as me to ignore the connection. Yet the back-and-forth banter between us feels a lot like foreplay, and I’ve become addicted to the rush.
Except I want love and a family. Why am I drawn to someone who doesn't want the same thing?
Lea Coll worked as a trial attorney for over ten years. Now she stays home with her three children, plotting stories while fetching snacks and running them back and forth to activities. She enjoys the freedom of writing romance after years of legal writing.
She grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania and currently resides in Maryland with her family.