Helping people cope better with tools and strategies for life.
Mark Anthony Hamilton is a husband and father of 5.
Mark lived in the Snowy Mountains and started working after grade 10 as a Carpenter & Joiner, leading into bathroom renovations.
Mark then moved to Queensland and started his own company and has since completed almost 700 bathrooms. He has won QLD bathroom designer of the year and multiple bathroom and work year awards through the HIA and MBA.
After Marks first child he struggled and started some personal development work and over the years left his company and started teaching Carpentry and Plumbing. This only lasted a year and a half as it was taken over.
Mark then applied to university and to his shock got in and started a degree in psychology. You may assume that writing and spelling came easy as Mark has now completed three books, but this is not so. A month before university Mark read his first complete book and leaned how and why the spelling of various words (There, they’re, their) in addition what a semi colon and pun is.
Mark completed his degree and also a graduate certificate in gestalt therapy, however things were not as they seemed. Mark embraced his natural gifts of a soul medium and writing books to help people. As a strong empath Mark feels and connects with people all over the world and reads and heals their soul. Whether you are religious a believer or not, this book is not about reading, but a bridge to connect to one’s self and heal.
Mark never wanted to attend university or write a book, he did so he could help people the quickest way he could; using the seven steps within this book; enjoy.