Angela Rose
There's a spoiler in one of the other reviews left here which was kind of a bummer as it did spoil part of the twist for me... But the story itself was fantastic. It was heart pumping and a true page turner. I loved the different POVs as well as the past vs present format. I was slightly disappointed about the conclusion to the story, but the thrill of the rest of the book definitely made up for it. Can't wait to dig into another book by this author!

A Google user
My Review: From the very first page to the very last page this book had me on pins and needles the whole time. I was totally hooked. I could not put it down for the life of me. I loved it and will shout that to the moon and back. This was my very first book by this author and she sure did not disappoint. I will definitely be reading more of her books in the future. In fact after I finished this book I went on Amazon and bought a few more of her books. I can’t wait to start them. I want to start off by saying that this book could definitely be made into a movie and was hands down my favorite read of the year so far. It had everything that I loved. Great characters, great plot, and a shocking ending. What more can you ask for in a book? I loved every single one of the characters in this book. All the characters worked so well together to make this book come together so nicely. There was not one character that was out of place or that I felt was wrong for this book. Everyone who knows me knows I love a good child kidnapping book especially the ones where they are found many years later. There are so many questions I have when they come back and I loved the way this book addressed them all. Now on to that shocking of an ending. I love dark and twisty endings and let me tell you this one had a real big whopper of one. I never would’ve guessed it in a million years. This was definitely my favorite ending in a book and that is saying a lot coming from me. I am so happy I chose to read this. Lastly, the characters, plot, and the ending of this book made this an easy and fast read. I would definitely recommend this book and happily give it 5 Hearts❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
17 people found this review helpful

Linda Strong
People are disappearing without a trace in this small peaceful community. First it was Shelby Tebow. People assumed her husband, who was known to be abusive, may have killed her. But no one was ever charged. Next to disappear was Meredith Dickey, a mid-wife, and her 6-year-old daughter, Delilah. No one has seen them again. Now, 11 years later, Delilah returns .. covered in filth, blood, and emaciated. Where has she been all these years? Everyone wants to know .... but do they really? What happened to Delilah? What happened to the adult women who also disappeared? Who would want these people to disappear, never to be seen again. Somebody knows ... but they aren't talking. From the very first page, the suspense is a throat-grabber and maintains a high level of suspense, tension, apprehensiveness throughout. The well-titled chapters alternate from today and then from 11 years ago. The voices speaking are many ... while some remain silent ... It's a clever plot with intriguing characters .. all leading to a totally unexpected conclusion. Many thanks to the author / Parkrow Books / Harlequin Books / Netgalley for the digital copy of this Psychological Thriller. Read and reviewed voluntarily, opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.
5 people found this review helpful