‘The Evangelist’: The Life Story of Evangelist André Coetzee

· Xlibris Corporation
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About this ebook

The Evangelist takes you through the epic life story of Andr Albertus Coetzee from the arid landscape of the Northern Cape, South Africa. An array of pictorial evidence grabs the reader cementing the authenticity of the story. This unique and authentic story is written in a simplistic style and provides a clear chronological account of the journey through the life of one man who experienced a miraculous healing from God. Andr Coetzee blindly pursues the call of God. He becomes a preacher in the mould of John the Baptist who preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ unashamedly. The rhythmic unfolding of the life-long drama remains true to the factual content. A wealth of wisdom can be extracted from his character delineated indirectly through the thoughts, actions, and expressions so candidly documented. The prolifi c life of The Evangelist has a happy ending and promises the reader a change of heart.

Ratings and reviews

1 review
jacques hardouin
July 26, 2015
Good book I enjoyed it.
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About the author

The author is the third child of four children born to her parents in the backstreets of Bishop Lavis, Cape Town, South Africa. She read her Bachelor of Science (Dietetics) and Masters in Science at the University of the Western Cape. She became espoused to the eldest son of the great Evangelist, Nicholas Coetzee, and better known as ‘Nicky’ in his father’s biography. The successful church that is steered by the young pastor Nicholas, the Orion Church Int’l is a church birthed from The Evangelist’s, ‘Môrewaak Gospel Mission’. Challenging it may be for an inexperienced writer to accurately concise years of history into a few pages; is exceeded by the privilege of bringing honour to this unsung hero.

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