Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins focuses on the techniques, methodologies, reactions, and approaches involved in gel electrophoresis of proteins. The selection first covers steady-state gel electrophoresis systems and one-dimensional PAA-gel electrophoretic techniques to separate functional and denatured proteins. Discussions focus on affinity electrophoresis, structure and physico-chemical properties of polyacrylamide gels, moving boundary electrophoresis, isotachophoresis, fundamental steady-state electrophoresis systems, and fundamental properties of steady-state electrophoresis systems. The text then reviews conventional isoelectric focusing and immobilized pH gradients and high resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. Topics include production of narrow pH gradients, extended pH gradients, polymerization kinetics, IEF in agarose matrices, titration curves, two-dimensional electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions, and IEF in polyacrylamide matrices. The book tackles quantifying patterns from two-dimensional PAGE, protein staining and detection methods, and immunoelectrophoretic methods. Concerns include post-electrophoretic organic protein stains, silver and enzyme stains, detection of radioactive proteins, and programming languages. The selection is highly recommended for researchers wanting to conduct studies on gel electrophoresis of proteins.