In this book author Michael Mingroni describes a scientific hypothesis that suggests human populations are undergoing rapid genetic change as a result of demographic changes such as urbanization and population mobility. As recently as two centuries ago, it was much more common for people in the now industrialized parts of the world to live in small towns and villages. Owing to their relative isolation, each village of the past would have constituted its own distinct gene pool. The movement of people to the cities has led to a mixing of those gene pools. Plant and animal breeders have long known that the crossing of genetically distinct strains of a species can cause large, rapid changes in various traits. The offspring of crosses, known as hybrids, generally grow larger and faster than either of the parental strains from which the hybrids are produced. The same effect is likely occurring in our own species. The technical term for this genetic effect, commonly known as hybrid vigor, is heterosis. Several studies have already documented the expected genetic changes in the form of increased genetic heterozygosity. These genetic changes offer a possible cause of trends in traits such as height, growth rate, IQ and others. They could also explain trends in conditions such as autism, asthma, myopia and others. Because it involves the mixing of all genes in the genome, heterosis can explain the occurrence of multiple parallel trends. Because it relies on the mixing of existing genetic material, heterosis can explain the very rapid pace of the trends. Most importantly, because it is a genetic mechanism, heterosis can explain why the various traits and conditions have always appeared to be strongly influenced by genetic, not environmental, factors. That is, it can explain their high heritability. In the book, the hypothesis is explained, ways by which it can be tested are listed, and some of its potential implications are explored.