just trying 2 figure this shit out!

· Mr.SociallyAwkward
7 reviews

About this ebook

Hi, I’m Jaylen Marcus Cooper, better known as Mr. Socially Awkward. It’s January 22, 2019, 8:12 a.m. I’m three months away from turning twenty (damn, I’m getting old, or at least I feel like it). As I begin to transition out of my teens into a twenty-year-old man, I’m starting to feel stagnant. And this feeling of no progression has me questioning a few things. 

Maybe I’ve been chasing after the wrong thing? Maybe I’m chasing after the right thing but bitching about the process that comes with what I’m chasing after?

Maybe I’m moving too fast and not putting much thought into my decision-making? Maybe this stagnant feeling is a sign that it’s time to adapt a new level of maturity?

Ratings and reviews

7 reviews
Vardhan Rode
April 6, 2020
A good book on self discovery for the author and not for me
3 people found this review helpful
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Joseph Beenchanged
April 8, 2020
Its a telling of the transition from late teens into early 20s and the beginnings of self discovery and vision.
3 people found this review helpful
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