Literary Titan
Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall, Where Does My Self-Love Fall?: A Success Guide to Replace Toxicity with Love takes you on a journey of reflection. How are you living your life? Are you able to achieve your goals within the set time frame? How do you interact with others? Do you love and take care of yourself as you should? Is the environment you are in toxic? These and more questions are answered throughout the book. Nina Norstrom is here to tell the reader to love self, take life gently and make memories. This book has potent affirming power. When feeling low, the author knows which words to use to raise one’s spirits. I appreciate Nina Norstrom for laying her life bare. The author talks deeply about her personal life and even invites the reader to walk the journey with her. By looking at life through Nina’s eyes, we get to see how beautiful the world is and how much disservice we are doing ourselves by not taking advantage of the good that the universe offers. This book is more than a self-help book. Nina Norstrom will help you grow into a well-rounded individual that will benefit society in many ways. One of the highlights of reading this book was connecting with the author when she narrated some of her experiences. Certain chapters in the book made me connect deeper with the author. The chapters on toxicity in the work place, living healthy, relationships, emotional wellness, and toxic emotion were my favorites. In these chapters, the author is raw, and candid. The content in these chapters is eye opening and can be uncomfortable for some. By reading the text, I got to think of the toxic situations I was in, and how I probably enabled parties involved to be toxic. Nina Norstrom makes you feel like you matter. Your voice should be heard and your feelings are valid. The author’s integrity and straightforwardness are a plus. Nina speaks her mind and does not mind. She is also objective in her writing and knows how to deliver a message gently. The author is charming and gives one time to process one piece of information before going to the next. There are multiple lessons in this book but the major lesson is about love. The author extensively writes about love for self, love for family, friends, and the people we interact with on a daily basis. This book will help readers love themselves more.