DB2 and the Analytics Accelerator appliance form a self-managing hybrid environment running online transaction processing and online transactional analytical processing concurrently and efficiently. These online transactions run together with business intelligence and online analytic processing workloads.
DB2 Analytics Accelerator V4.1 expands the value of high-performance analytics. DB2 Analytics Accelerator V4.1 opens to static Structured Query Language (SQL) applications and row set processing, minimizes data movement, reduces latency, and improves availability.
This IBM Redbooks® publication provides technical decision-makers with an understanding of the benefits of version 4.1 of the Analytics Accelerator with DB2 11 for z/OS. It describes the installation of the new functions, and the advantages to existing analytical processes as measured in our test environment. This book also introduces the DB2 Analytics Accelerator Loader V1.1, a tool that facilitates the data population of the DB2 Analytics Accelerator.