Principles of Ashtakvarg

All India Federation of Astrologers' Societies
4 umsagnir

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Our ancient sages (Rishis) have introduced such a fine method in Horashastra that can help us find out the benignity and malignity of planets and their influence on the life of mankind. They produced a system that can be helpful in finding out the lines and points. The system is called Ashtakavarga. By this system it is easy to find the good and evil effects of the deeds of a man. Even a learned and well-educated astrologer cannot attain the desired success without the knowledge of Ashtakavarga. It is not possible to find out the benefic and malefic results caused due to the merits and demerits of the horoscope of a person without the knowledge of Ashtakavarg. The author of this book had started studying the system some twenty years back and came to the conclusion that there is no system better than this that could make an accurate prediction. By Ashtakavarga, all the malefic and benefic outcome of the deeds of a man can be found out scientifially. With the help of this system a minute prediction can be cast. A fine theory of the relation between individual and society is applicable on this system. There can be some differences on the results predicted by Vimshothari and transit on the basis of planets and houses, on signs and ascendants. In these circumstances, how can a true prediction be made? That is why, the ancient astrologers have advised to use the Ashtakavarga system. It is very hard to find out the effects, time and nature of a planet by the common theories of Falit, but by this system, this is possible. For instance, a planet will enhance the influence related to its own house if it is conjoined with or aspected by benefic planets while situated in own, exalted or friendly sign. This is a widely accepted theory. But the question is what enhancement will take place in the sphere of the said aspect by that particular planet i.e. what will be the ratio of the benefic and malefic results? It is in this regard that the Ashtakavarga system is considered to be very authentic and decisive. With its help, prediction regarding the ratio of gains, auspicious directions, gains from brothers, results of planets in transit etc. and the age, wealth, education, wisdom, relation between husband and wife, happiness, property, land, vehicle and deeds of a man can be made easily.

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