Release the Power of Prayer

· Whitaker House


As a boy, George Müller was a thief and a liar. But, after turning to Christ, he provided for over 10,000 orphans—without ever asking anyone but God to supply their needs. He testified that he knew of at least 50,000 prayers to which he had received a specific answer.
From his amazing personal account, you will find out how to…
  • Turn impossibilities into realities
  • Connect with God’s amazing power
  • Exchange unhappiness for joy
  • Receive God’s promises
  • Defeat discouragement
 Through the extraordinary example of George Müller’s life, you will discover how to trust God and receive His provision for your every need. You can experience the same miraculous hand of God at work in your life today.




George Müller (1805–1898) was born in Kroppenstaedt, Prussia, on September 27, 1805. He was the son of a tax collector, and, before he became a Christian, he had the reputation of a liar and a thief. After accepting Christ as his personal Savior, he was used in remarkable ways to provide for over 10,000 orphans during his lifetime. He never went into debt or asked anyone to supply his needs. He trusted in God to provide for him and for the orphans, and God never failed to do so.
In 1834, he established the Scriptural Knowledge Institution for Home and Abroad. Its objectives were to assist day schools and adult schools, where instruction was given based on scriptural principles; enable poor children to attend these day schools; circulate the Holy Scriptures; and aid in supplying the needs of missionaries and missionary schools. The fifth objective, which was added later, was to provide for the needs of orphaned children.
By the 1870s, God enabled George Müller to build five large orphanages on Ashley Down in Bristol, England, and to send £10,000 annually to nearly two hundred missionaries.
In 1875, he began preaching tours that took him over 200,000 miles to 42 countries to preach to 3 million people. God transformed a little boy who stole from his earthly father into a man who could be trusted with the resources of his heavenly Father.
The ministry of George Müller continues today through the establishment of the George Müller Foundation. Three charities operate under the direction of the Foundation: The Müller Homes for Children, the Müller Homes for the Elderly, and the Scriptural Knowledge Institution. For further information, visit




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