Outcast as a teenage transplant from the Midwest, Brady forges a brotherly bond with an older teenage neighbor, Mick, and his friend, Brett. But when Brett moves away, Mick invites a new kid into their pack, and Brady soon discovers his choices have consequences that threaten the lives of those he cares about.
Desolate and gritty, Third Wheel is a triumphant debut novel by Richard R. Becker, and Brady Wilks is a remarkable transformative protagonist. It received more than a dozen 5-star editorial reviews and earned a finalist award in the 2023 Global Book Awards. Readers who enjoyed The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton will love Third Wheel.
The five-time award-winning author continues to receive high praise and interest from a growing community of readers who follow his work.
Richard R. Becker is the award-winning, best-selling American author of 50 States and its companion, Ten Threads. His debut collection of short stories won first place in the Spring 2022 BookFest Awards; 2023 Book Excellence Awards for short stories; and ABR Book Excellence Awards for literary fiction, psychological thrillers, and short stories. It was also named a finalist in the IAN Book of the Year Awards. Third Wheel is his first novel. He is married and lives in Las Vegas. He invites you to visit him at richardrbecker.com.