Robin Durni served with the Marines in Vietnam from 1969 to 1970 as a forward observer. After returning home to Buffalo, New York, he was given the opportunity to become a salesperson and independent distributor for Richards’ Manufacturing in Albany, New York. Richards’ Manufacturing later evolved into Richards Medical and was acquired by Smith & Nephew. Robin spent 37 years building a business that spanned three states and a team of 20-plus people. In 2009, Smith & Nephew bought Robin’s business, and he continued on as a straight-commissioned sales manager for the newly formed mega-northeast distributor for Smith & Nephew. In 2013, Robin was offered a director of sales position for his previous territory. In 2014, he was made National Director of Sales Development and became totally involved in the Sales Training segment . He is now fully retired after 50 years with the company. Recently, Robin started a new business, How to Sell LLC, and remains inspired by presenting his Master Series course to students and sales professionals.
Robin raised two children, Gavin and Kyle. In 2014, his wonderful, successful son, Gavin, passed away, and his life changed forever. Gavin’s memory lives on. Robin lives in Albany, New York, with his wife Nadine Walsh and their two West Highland Terriers, Miss Daisy and Mr. Winston. His beautiful and talented daughter, Kyle, lives nearby with her spectacular Airedale, Monty.