Two years after the shocking events of the Nicola Watson case, Brian McDone's life is finally back on track. He's working in the lower ranks of the police department, but his personal life and mental stability are stronger and more important to him than ever.
That is until news breaks of a series of brutal, ritualistic murders in the idyllic Lancashire countryside. Seven bodies are found, decapitated, bones stripped of flesh, heads piled on top of one another. The police are clueless. Brian is intrigued. Too intrigued.
As Brian grows obsessed with the case, he finds himself drawn out of his peaceful life and into the depths of the investigation. More bodies are found in a similar ritualistic fashion. Ancient local folklore of witchcraft and mass murder begins to surface. The case grows more and more curious; more and more dangerous.
In a race against time, Brian must throw aside his new found happiness and put all he cares about on the line, as he faces a ruthless, cunning and methodical killer.
The second in the series from bestselling author Ryan Casey, Buried Slaughter is a dark detective mystery with complex characters and a twisting, thrilling plot. If you enjoy Danish TV hits The Killing and The Bridge, you'll love Buried Slaughter.