In a future starscape where the children of man have succumbed to humanity's long-forgotten vices, THETA is a story of a dark, twisting dance of intrigue, love and loss among the stars.
Stuck in a dramatic struggle between death and life, a young dancer must choose between his enigmatic past and an uncertain future. Unable to let go of what he was, unable to face what he is, beset on all sides by forces he doesn't understand, he's on a collision course with destiny...and his time is running out.
For Jale Bercammon, on the other hand, life is comfortable, stable, and slipping on by. Every day is routine, and she’s become an expert at maintaining routine.
... And then she crosses paths with Theta. Reeled in by the enigmatic and sinister Knoskali to explain his disappearance, she soon finds herself stumbling along a dangerous path that will take all of her resolve and ingenuity to survive.