Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Sensors, Mechatronics and Automation (ICSMA 2013), December 17-18, 2013, Kunming, China.
Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).
The 244 are grouped as follows:
Chapter 1: Applied Materials Science and Processing Technology
Chapter 2: Sensors and Applications
Chapter 3: Measurement Theory and Its Application
Chapter 4: Measurement Technology and Instruments
Chapter 5: Signal and Information Processing Technology
Chapter 6: Image and Video Processing
Chapter 7: Structural Engineering Analysis, CAD Optimized Design and Intelligent Control
Chapter 8: Design and Control in Modern Engineering System
Chapter 9: Modern Circuits and Embedded Systems
Chapter 10: Industrial Engineering
Chapter 11: Robotics
Chapter 12: Optimization and Control Algorithms
Chapter 13: Control System Modeling and Simulation Technology
Chapter 14: Electric Automation, Control, Design and Analysis
Chapter 15: Software, Computer Applications and Numerical Methods