Agent-based Tutoring Systems by Cognitive and Affective Modeling intends to present a modern view of intelligent tutoring, focusing mainly on the conception of these systems according to a multi-agent approach and on the affective and cognitive modeling of the student in this kind of educational environment. Providing researchers, academians, educators, and practitioners with a critical mass of research on the theory, practice, development, and implementation of tools for knowledge representation and agent-based architectures, this Premier Reference Source is a must-have addition to every library collection.
Patr¡cia Augustin Jaques earned a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) in 2004. During her PhD, she spent one year researching at the Leibniz Laboratory in France. Currently, she is Associate Professor in the Master Program in Computer Science of University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Her research interests are Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Multi-Agent Systems, and Affective Computing.
Regina Verdin Master in Psychology (PUCRS). Doctor of Science degree (UFRGS) in Computer and Education Program. The research areas are Cognitive Psychology and Artificial Intelligence, Scientific Methods and Distance Education. [Editor]