Macbeth by William Shakespeare

· B. Tauchnitz
66 reviews

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66 reviews
Rishav Shah
March 31, 2020
I, speaking from personal experience, have grown to love Shakespeare from despising it as a cause of reading this play. Many go into Shakespeare with a closed mind which prevents people from appreciating its worth. It is very difficult to read. It is a chore. But once you can learn to interpret the dialogue, it gets to be fun. The themes and values are not properly discussed in English classes. I disagree with the way it is taught. Shakespeare was not meant to be read, but performed, and that’s why I have grown to love Shakespeare, as I love seeing the plays put together on a stage. That’s why I recommend reading the play, and if you don’t like it as I did, watch the play, or another one of Shakespeare’s works. Keep an open mind and it will be fun!
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Adicus Garton
February 23, 2015
The lack of notes is refreshing, as it allowed me to focus on the story inside of constant asides.
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srinivasanam K
April 26, 2018
I all ways like william Shakespeare book and on of my favourite book is macbeth
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