Thoroughly covering channel characteristics and parameters, this book provides the knowledge needed to design various wireless systems, such as cellular communication systems, RFID and ad hoc wireless communication systems. It gives a detailed introduction to aspects of channels before presenting the novel estimation and modelling techniques which can be used to achieve accurate models.
To systematically guide readers through the topic, the book is organised in three distinct parts. The first part covers the fundamentals of the characterization of propagation channels, including the conventional single-input single-output (SISO) propagation channel characterization as well as its extension to multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) cases. Part two focuses on channel measurements and channel data post-processing. Wideband channel measurements are introduced, including the equipment, technology and advantages and disadvantages of different data acquisition schemes. The channel parameter estimation methods are then presented, which include conventional spectral-based estimation, the specular-path-model based high-resolution method, and the newly derived power spectrum estimation methods. Measurement results are used to compare the performance of the different estimation methods. The third part gives a complete introduction to different modelling approaches. Among them, both scattering theoretical channel modelling and measurement-based channel modelling approaches are detailed. This part also approaches how to utilize these two modelling approaches to investigate wireless channels for conventional cellular systems and some new emerging communication systems. This three-part approach means the book caters for the requirements of the audiences at different levels, including readers needing introductory knowledge, engineers who are looking for more advanced understanding, and expert researchers in wireless system design as a reference.
Essential reading for Graduate students and researchers interested in the characteristics of propagation channel, or who work in areas related to physical layer architectures, air interfaces, navigation, and wireless sensing
XUEFENG YIN, Tongji University, China
XIANG CHENG, Peking University, China