This book is at one level a reaction to that mistaken view, because the writers of the New Testament were very far from it in their concept and utterance. But at stake is not just the Trinity as the capital teaching of the Christian faith (if that were not enough to be concerned about). The essence of true Christian experience is also greatly affected by our understanding of how the Triune God is in Himself and how He acts in Himself, for according to the New Testament the essence of the believers' life and living is the extension of the Triune God's mutual indwelling and mutual working together as one within them. Thus, at another level this book is a reaction to a merely moral and ethical view of the Christian life, because, again, the writers of the New Testament present the Christian life more profoundly as the believers' incorporation of the Triune God, who lives and operates within them.
The content of this book is a careful consideration of the incorporation of the Triune God in Himself and with His believers as evidenced textually in the New Testament, particularly the Gospel of John through the Epistle of Jude.