"Beale, who is better known for his books on microscopical technique, offered a course of lectures at King's College which were serially published in the Medical Times. The articles, however, were not illustrated and therefore of limited value. Beale was forced to find a way to reduce the expense of producing illustrations for his published work. He hit upon the idea photographing his drawings of anatomical specimens and reproducing the illustrations for publication by photography. He was aware of the laborious nature of this method but felt it economically feasible for small or limited print runs. Given the nature of his work he felt there would be an audience for perhaps 100 copies of the publications. Hence this book. The introduction to the text spells out the procedure and costs in producing the salt prints for this volume. See Bracegirdle, A History of Microtechnique - who misses this book."--Antiquarian bookseller's description, 2016.