The notes are not direct audio transcriptions but instead serve as the foundation for the discussions. The audio portion of this project is available for purchase on Audible via Amazon or directly on the Audible site. Together, this book and the audiobook form the complete work.
This is the previously untold backstory of Ong's Hat, the infinite game, and proto-ARG. It weaves together early rudimentary Artificial Intelligence (AI), encounters with disembodied intelligence, emergence, and the budding Internet culture of the late 1980s and early 1990s. Elements of psychedelic culture, Avant Garde art, punk rock, industrial music, experimental theater, improv, method acting, hermetic magick, beat literature, Esalen, the works of Philip K. Dick, and more converge to create this modern tale of a spiritual quest.
Some of the things I have achieved as an inventor, creator, product manager, CEO, CTO, writer, and artist include: Playing a role in establishing and evangelizing standards and practices such as PDF, DVD, Podcasting, ARG, and digital video. I am an inventor. I have designed apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android. I am a published author of screenplays, white papers, technology, sci-fi, marketing, and gaming books.
My first novel/ARG Ong’s Hat: The Begining, was adapted by the BBC as a BBC Radio 4 and BBC Limelight podcast series.
My pioneering work in Transmedia is chronicled in the University level textbook: Legend-Tripping Online: Supernatural Folklore and the Search for Ong’s Hat – University Press of Mississippi (May 17, 2011)
I have staged and orchestrated very successful, large-scale, mass media Alternate Reality Game/Transmedia style projects since the mid-80s, utilizing print, phone, fax, email, Internet, advertising, video, film, audio, CDROM, DVD, and on-demand media. My work has been featured on CBS Marketwatch, CNN, CNET TV, Kiplinger’s, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, NHK, MTV, PBS, LA Times, Clear Channel Radio (Art Bell), BBC, MSNBC, Boing-Boing, VICE, Slate, Gizmodo, and many other weekly newspapers, trade magazines, local and regional radio, and television. (Link to some articles)
My transmedia work, Ong’s Hat, is known throughout the gaming industry and academia as the first proto-ARG. (Alternate Reality Game). This work was profiled in Games(TM) magazine, as well as Inside a Mind, Thoughty2, That Chapter, Slate, Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know, TOOWi, and Gizmodo. The Incunabula Papers CDROM was recently included by invitation in the BNF (Bibliothèque Nationale de France) digital art collection.
a poor man's Dale Cooper, a rich man's Dale Gribble. 1/2 of the