Pro skateboarder, Ethan Wares, has been dropped by every sponsor and has one last deal on the table: a failing TV station, Network 27. In desperation to keep their ratings high, filming unique and inaccessible skate-spots adds to the pressure which claustrophobic Wares could do without.
This omnibus edition covers all five books in the series, including: The Blocks, Abandoned, Pool Staker, Punch Drunk, and Nutbar DIY
In The Blocks: Ethan skates a granite ledge from a prestigious art exhibition that has been flown 4000 miles around the world and placed in a council estate named, The Bronx.
In Abandoned: The ultimate wall ride has been found in an old psychiatric hospital.
In Pool Staker: After discovering a skate-able pool at an old leisure centre, Ethan thinks it’s a no-brainer to break in and ride it.
In Punch Drunk: All Ethan wants to do is blow up the retail rail like they did in Fully Flared.
In Nutbar DIY: A nearby explosion lands Ethan in a tricky position with a back garden chemist.
Mark Mapstone is a skateboarder, writer, and author of the Ethan Wares Skateboard Series books.
After discovering there were no fiction books written for skateboarders with realistic skateboarding in them, and being qualified with a degree in creative writing from the prestigious Bath Spa University, Mark realised he could be the one to write them.
In-between road-trips, an infinite Instagram feed of videos to watch, and discovering bruises on himself which he has no-idea how they got there, Mark uses his knowledge of the current skateboarding world to create exciting and authentic stories that every skateboarder experiences daily.