Over one hundred years have passed since those devastating events and new societies have formed around the globe. In North America, the fragile peace that exists among the continent’s independent nations and city-states is under threat. The ambitious Grand Guardian of the People’s Republic of America is mobilizing his massive war machine in order to make real his dream of reunifying a former great power.
But on the eve of the offensive, a leading scientist dies under mysterious circumstances, though not before he entrusts another with the key to unlocking a secret. A secret so powerful, it could not only unravel the Grand Guardian’s designs, but also doom, or save, all of humanity.
Book 2, The Warrior, and Book 3, The Renegade, and Book 4, The Conqueror, now available.
PM Johnson is a recovering lawyer who spends his weekdays doing policy work, but on weekends he bangs away on his trusty HP, feverishly bringing characters to life then torturing them. Originally from Minnesota, he now lives in Northern Virginia with his long-suffering wife (because all spouses of authors are long-suffering) and two adorable children. In recent years he has also become a dedicated cyclist. He can often be seen riding the back country roads of Virginia's Loudoun and Fauquier Counties (you will know him by his ridiculously flamboyant cycling jerseys). He is the author of the Apollo Stone Series, including The Navigator, The Warrior, The Renegade, and The Conqueror (the final installment of the series).