During his lifetime, Richard W. Wetherill was often described as a person who was scores of years ahead of his time. His associates and members of his research group realize that his day has finally come. Increasingly, it is becoming fashionable to be honest and right. Author Richard W. Wetherill is known for his many contributions as an author, teacher, executive, and management consultant. Over the six decades of his own highly successful career, he inspired many executives to find success and helped many companies to solve their most complex management problems. In 1929, Mr. Wetherill discovered a natural law controlling people's personal and interpersonal behavior. The law states that a person is required to think, say, and do what is right in order to get a right result. It further states that when he has a personal problem or trouble, it is because something is wrong about his thinking, conversation, and behavior. In addition to stating the law of behavior, Mr. Wetherill explains the penalty that results from attempted violation or disregard for that law. As with all natural laws, the behavioral law is self-enforcing. The person who deviates from what he knows is right installs, in the recesses of his mind, the wrong thinking he uses to justify his behavior.