EMPTY PROMISES (#5) - Seamus McCree’s first assignment hiding a witness goes from bad to worse. His client disappears. His granddog finds a buried human bone. Police find a fresh human body.
Seamus risks his own safety and freedom to turn amateur sleuth in hopes he can solve the crimes, fulfill his promise of protection and win back Abigail. Wit and grit are on his side but the clock is ticking . . . and the hit man is on his way.
FALSE BOTTOM (#6) - Seamus returns to his native Boston to bury his Uncle Mike, a retired Boston police captain, who was murdered. Seamus has been named executor of the estate. That's easy for him to settle. But he soon learns Uncle Mike left a second, secret legacy - and that triggers an earthquake's worth of problems.
GRANITE OATH (#7) - Seamus uncovers a tangled web of drug-dealing, prostitution, and dummy corporations He soon finds himself the target of killers. But he's given his word, his granite oath, to learn the truth . . . even if it kills him.