Read this book carefully to prepare for the Private Aapplicator Certification test. DPR uses this test to certify farm owners, leaseholders, and managers who may have to purchase restricted materials, as well as farm employees who supervise pesticide handlers or will be training handlers and fieldworkers to work safely around pesticides.
A list of knowledge expectations (descriptions of what you should know after reading the chapter) are given at the beginning of each chapter to guide you as you study. Individual knowledge expectations appear alongside relevant content throughout each chapter, which will help you focus on the information that is most likely to appear on the examination.
Covers pesticide labels, worker safety (handlers and fieldworkers), how to mix and apply pesticides, calibration, the hazards of pesticide use including heat related illness, and pesticide emergencies. Presents an overview of integrated management principles
An appendix includes sample training forms for pesticide handlers and fieldworkers.