In January 2020, Bob's European adventure begins in Vienna, Austria, and everything goes smoothly until mid-March when a global pandemic changes the world. He narrowly escapes border closures and reaches Zagreb, Croatia, only to face a devastating earthquake, the worst in the country in 140 years. The US Travel Department advises him to return home, but lacking a real home to go back to, Bob decides to stay in Europe.
Riding out the pandemic in Europe grants Bob a unique perspective on the world as he learns to face fears, develop resilience, and keep moving forward.
Upon returning to the US after three years, Bob is met with a different world, where discussing sensitive subjects like the pandemic, health, politics, and just about any subject seems to pose challenges and creates occasional tension. The atmosphere feels delicate and uncertain, leading to shifts in relationships. However, reconnecting with loved ones after a long absence proves to be a transformative, healing, and enlightening experience for Bob.
His journey represents a testament to embracing change, facing adversity, and finding personal growth through exploration and pursuing one's passions.
Bob Tapper's journey spans over four decades, from a young actor in California to a successful corporate career. At the end of 2019, he retired from the business world to return to his passions of acting and filmmaking - in Europe. Despite facing a global pandemic in 2020, an earthquake in Croatia, and lockdowns, Bob embraced change, found resilience, and explored new opportunities. Returning to the US after three years, he faced a very different country and reconnected with loved ones, transforming his life. Bob's story inspires others to embrace adversity, accept change, follow their passions, and find personal growth along their own unique paths.