On the very eve of His betrayal, arrest and crucifixion the Lord Jesus gathered His disciples round Him, and after the Passover Supper He inaugurated this simple memorial of Himself.
In the Bread and the Cup He signified that He was about to give Himself — His body and His blood — for us. Then He added, “This do in remembrance of Me”; so challenging the hearts of all the redeemed to obey and respond to such supreme devotion and love.
It is sad to record that the import and appeal of our Lord’s institution appear largely to have been lost in ritual and formality within Christendom. Many take it as a means of grace for sinners, whereas the Lord’s Supper is a simple memorial to believers of the One who died for them.
In a day when spiritual truths are being despised or neglected as never before it is necessary to remind all true-hearted Christians of the supreme virtue and recompense in remembering our Lord in obedience to His request. As the Lord Jesus manifests Himself in the breaking of bread we may experience the joy of heart-felt response to the One who gave all for us, and of true worship to the Father whom He came to declare.
Frederick Albert Hughes (1890-1988) was well known among the brethren as a man of God who cared deeply for the honour of the Lord Jesus and the preciousness of the saints. His writings reflect his heart for God and His people.