The Poltergeist Files

3 books

They trained him to be a soldier. They forced him to be a vigilante. He becomes their nightmare.

Adlai Blackson is a patriot. As a United States Marine, he serves out of a sense of duty and honor to his father, killed in action when he was seven years old. That day changed his life and shaped him to be the man he is today. To him, family and friends are paramount and it has been his life's mission to protect them and his country.

For over twenty years, he's built an impressive reputation as a top-notch hand-to-hand combatant and uncanny reconnaissance and infiltration expert. The government took notice, recruiting him as a leader in the black ops team known only to those involved as Detachment M. All because he’s kept something locked away. Something he’s kept hidden since he was seven years old.

The superhuman ability to turn invisible for 40 seconds.

Now, Adlai's life is about to change again. The unfolding of a revelation shakes him to the core of his soul, igniting a series of lethal events that force him to choose whether to be the good soldier, the good son or… something else.

Blackson’s Revenge is a story of how one man is pulled into an arena of lies, betrayal, and murder. Of how one man struggles with his worst enemy: his own heart.

Buy your updated copy of Blackson’s Revenge today, Book 1 in Easton Livingston’s Poltergeist Files.

Everyone has a breaking point. Sometimes, the consequences are a killer.