In this manga, we follow the journey of Nizu, a supposed orphan with an exceptional genetic anomaly: purple hair, which no human has ever been recorded to have before. However, Nizu's physical uniqueness comes with a price, as she suffers from an unexplainable burning sensation in her right eye. As Nizu navigates her life with these distinctive traits, she begins to uncover the mysteries of her existence and the truth about her origin. Join Nizu on a thrilling adventure full of discovery, action, and intrigue.
Chapter Plot:
Is the beginning of a new week in the “Our Future” Orphanage girls' building. Nizu is awakened suddenly by an argument by some of her roommates.
First Arc Plot:
Nizu, a unique individual with striking purple hair, tries to lead a normal high school life despite being treated differently by others. However, her world is turned upside down when she experiences a mysterious "vision" of a captive girl on another world. At the same time, a girl with the same rare hair color as Nizu but with red eyes appears in town, causing Nizu to question her origins and embark on a journey of self-discovery. With each step, Nizu unravels the secrets surrounding her unique existence, leading her to uncover a world of possibilities beyond her imagination. Follow Nizu's enthralling tale filled with adventure, intrigue, and self-discovery.
This is a Fantasy/Slice of Life manga, with progression towards tragedy.
Fantasy manga. Slice of life manga. High school manga. Tragedy manga. Purple hair manga.
Message from the author:
I came up with the story of Nizu around May of 2014, months before the anime of Tokyo Ghoul aired and became popular. I then saw the similarities between that story and mine (in reality just with the main character’s eyes trope), so I became depressed and shelved Nizu, as I didn't want to be pointed out as a copycat or whatever.
The Naruto manga is my biggest inspiration to create my own manga. I remember fondly when it was being published weekly. It was really exciting. Other manga that truly inspire me are Nisekoi, Beserk, Demon Slayer, Death Note, Elfen Lied, One Punch Man, and more…
I hope you can support Nizu, I will try my best to tell the story as it's supposed to be told. Yeah, it's a challenge, but I will try my best. I feel like those days with the big three (Naruto, Bleach and One Piece), but this time I’m also playing the game.
If you love Tokyo Ghoul (I do too), and have strong feelings about Kaneki's sad tragic story, you will find similar sentiment in the development of Nizu as I write her chapters. So, even though Nizu’s story is very different from Tokyo Ghoul, I can confidently say, you will love this one too and its development.
It has some romance like a Shoujo Manga, since I’m also inspired by manga like Sakura Cardcaptor, Yona of the Dawn, and more… But it’s not considered a genre, truly unavoidable when your main character is a teenage girl.
You can say, Nizu, is a manga like Tokyo Ghoul. Or Nizu is a manga like Nisekoi. Or a manga like Naruto. The best part, you can start reading Nizu for Free, and if you want to support its publication, the price of chapters is very low.
Welcome to Nizu! I hope you enjoy it.