David Grisaffi

David Grisaffi is a certified personal trainer with the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) and was a conditioning coach for former four-time world champion boxer Greg Haugen. He has a Level II certification from the Corrective High Performance Exercise Kinesiologist (CHEK) Institute, which revolves around the dynamics of kinesiology, physiology, functional anatomy, and mind-body-spirit relationships. David is also certified by the CHEK Institute as a Golf Biomechanic. In the winter of 2002 David became one of the first Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaches from the CHEK institute. He is currently a Level II Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach. Early in 2005 David was one of the first to be certified by Ori Hofmekler, the author of the popular diet book, The Warrior Diet. He is currently a Level II practitioner through the Warrior Diet Certification Program on Controlled Fatigue Training and Fat Loss.