Howard P. Chudacoff, the George L. Littlefield Emeritus Professor of American History at Brown University, was born in Omaha, Nebraska. He earned his A.B. (1965), M.A. (1967) and Ph.D. (1969) at the University of Chicago. He has written MOBILE AMERICANS (1972), THE EVOLUTION OF AMERICAN URBAN SOCIETY (eight editions between 1975 and 2014), HOW OLD ARE YOU: AGE CONSCIOUSNESS IN AMERICAN CULTURE (1989), THE AGE OF THE BACHELOR: CREATING AN AMERICAN SUBCULTURE (1999), CHILDREN AT PLAY: AN AMERICAN HISTORY (2007) and CHANGING THE PLAYBOOK: HOW POWER, PROFIT, AND POLITICS TRANSFORMED COLLEGE SPORTS (2015). His articles have appeared in The Journal of American History, The Journal of Family History, Reviews in American History and The Journal of Sport History. At Brown, he has served as Co-Chair of the Program in American Civilization, Chair of the History Department, Executive Committee of the Urban Studies Program and Faculty Representative to the NCAA. The National Endowment for the Humanities, Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation have funded his scholarship.