13 Nights of Elvira: Trancers

2014 • 81 minút
17 recenzií
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Tento film

Elvira sets off for the far off future, and 1985, in this high tech chase for the minds of killers!

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17 recenzií
Keith Kane
1. decembra 2014
Google has ten different Elvira skits that r crap! Get rid of these and puts some good horror movies in instead of these boys movies!
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greentea momma73
19. júna 2016
People there's only 1 reason too watch these utterly horrible movies, ELVIRA! She makes it fun and easy to get through these laughable movies that wouldn't scare my cat. Elvira is the best!!!!
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Cynthia Smith
23. decembra 2014
I know y'all can do better , huh !!
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