A Call to Spy

2020 • 124 minutos
10 recensións
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Acerca desta película

At the dawn of WWII, a desperate Churchill orders his new spy agency to train women for covert ops. Together, they help to undermine the Nazi regime and turn the tide of the war.

Valoracións e recensións

10 recensións
Robert Smith
7 de outubro de 2020
I gave it 5 stars because anytime we can see the sacrifice people made in the face of tyranny. It is a learning lesson . Let us never forget the unseen heros of that tragic war .
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Kirk Allen
4 de novembro de 2021
So many remarkable things were done by ordinary people. This movie does a great job of telling the true stories of women in WWII that many of us had no idea. Lots has been written and told of the heroics of the brave men but the brave women seem to be forgotten.
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Rodney Alexander
11 de outubro de 2021
Terrible movie.
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