A Late Quartet

2013 • 105 minút
24 recenzií
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Tento film

Members of a world-renowned string quartet struggle to stay together in the face of death, competing egos and insuppressible lust. Artificial Eye 2012

Hodnotenia a recenzie

24 recenzií
Mike McLoughlin
11. novembra 2013
If you can overlook the many scenes in this film showing non-musicians obviously pretending to play (no doubt with their off-screen real musician egging them on) then this slow-burner might be for you. Personally, I was slowly but surely drawn into the complex 'manage a quatre' with their passions, turmoils and personal compromises. With actors of the calibre on show here, it would be difficult not to enjoy this. Christopher Walken was particularly good - but I could watch him in anything. It is such a shame they could not find real musicians that can act, or actors that can play. A more authentic experience could have been achieved.
Hussein Horack
28. októbra 2016
Great movie.. love the wit... Love the film.
przemek filipek
10. decembra 2013
First ten seconds of movie. Never buy again!