A Google user
Ok, so it starts out ok, middle is blah, even the ending was bah. I seriously think I threw up a little. Don't get me wrong, the visuals were good, but that's it. There is very little this movie has to offer other than i wasted my damned money and I swear to all things holy I will never buy a movie from Google Play again... I mean come on. I don't know what Wesley is smoking, but the acting is far from good, the storyline is just typical Abe Lincoln story with vampires thrown in, it's utter garbage. I think I'm being EXTREMELY generous with a one star rating. Don't rent it, don't buy it, don't even waste your time if it ever makes it to cable. Wait till it hits ABC or some crap like that. It's just that bad.
29 people found this review helpful

A Google user
A most rediculous improbable movie that looks more like a class project caught on video than a film. Sometime after he is elected, honest Abe is called into hiding along with his secret service men, to conduct the business of slaying vampires/zombies, a problem he is strangely familiar with. Dressed in black, he and his men carouse the countryside shooting, slashing their way through the silliest editing shots,the silliest costumes and zombie make up seen in a while. A plain dumb plot makes it all worse.
13 people found this review helpful

Jerry R
I wasn't a big fan of the book, but at least the mix of fact and fiction to render an alternative history was interesting. The movie completely abandons that premise and instead is just an generic vampire movie that happens to have Abe Lincoln as the protagonist. Most characters are made up just for the movie and the ones that happened to be in the book have completely opposite motivations. The only pro is Timur's artistic vision, but that wasn't enough to save this train wreck.