Accident Man

2018 • 105 минут
38 пікір
Браузерден немесе қолдайтын құрылғылардан көріңіз Толығырақ
Сіздің тіліңізде аудио да, субтитр де қолжетімді емес. Субтитрі бар тілдер: ағылшын тілі.

Осы фильм туралы ақпарат

Mike Fallon, the Accident Man, is a stone cold killer, he is the best at what he does. But when a loved one is dragged into the London underworld and murdered by his own crew, Fallon is forced to rip apart the life he knew in order to avenge the one person who actually meant something to him.

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38 пікір
Melissa Velez
2018 ж. 29 сәуір
This movie has everything an action/martial arts film lover will enjoy. From expertly choreographed and executed fight sequences to the bone breaking, bloody carnage, this movie does not disappoint. Not to mention the dark comedic element, which I felt, came very naturally to all the characters. I loved it and with Scott Adkins as the lead, you cant go wrong.
Scott Butler
2018 ж. 11 ақпан
Best Scott Adkins film yet. For what it is, the acting was pretty decent except for the two female of them made up for it with a couple of great fight scenes while the other, Ashley Green, should have shown us a little more of her gorgeous figure to distract from an underwhelming performance. This film was like Jet Li meets Jason Statham and reminds me of the old Snatch movie...minus a few Gypsies. The story was pretty good and the main character had depth although the whole "killer grows a conscience" theme is a little long in the tooth. Real gem of this movie is the guy they picked to play Finicky Fred, he was spot on.
Бұл пікір 10 адамға пайдалы болды.
Kimboy Pedro
2018 ж. 18 ақпан
This movie is awesome , but they could have sale this for 20 dollers for buy he , and they could have rent it for 4 dollers , cause this movie is awesome , better then all the new release movies