American Pie

1999 • 95 minút
271 recenzií
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Tento film

The stakes are high and hilarious when four friends make the pact to lose their virginity by prom night in this outrageous romp about high school, band camp, and warm apple pie.

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271 recenzií
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6. mája 2012
A terrible set of films with highly over used gags and no real story other than the characters main goal in having sex. A poor comedy, watch something like 'euro trip' instead for some better laughs.
11 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
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30. mája 2012
Wow it's amazing dont no what to say. And it's just how his parents find out that he has been whatching rood channels it's so lol then his dad says bad recepition the they heard some one saying something wrong it's amazing
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27. februára 2014
Obviously an awesome and nostalgic film but there seems so be a serious issue with the volume, or rather lack of it. Would appreciate this being looked in to